Nutrition Basics for Older Dogs

As it is with humans, the aging process of a dog is accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes. With the natural decrease in activity and issues with teeth, a dog needs a special diet.

So, here are a few nutrition tips for dogs that have reached the age of 7-8 years.

Reduction of calories

To reduce the burden on the liver and kidneys, as well as to prevent pet obesity, older dogs should eat fewer calories, proteins, and fats. Meanwhile, the number of carbohydrates should be increased.

In some cases, it's possible to keep the pet on the same diet but to cut the portion size.

If the dog has any health issues, it should be introduced to a diet based on dog food's specialty lines.

Nuances in feeding with granules

Sometimes, because of problems with the teeth, it can be difficult for the dog to chew hard granules. In such a case, pre-soak them in a small amount of water.

If the dog completely refuses to eat, you should immediately examine it with a veterinarian. If no health issues are found, you can try to feed your dog with another type of food.

Vitamins and minerals

It is important to remember that older dogs need extra vitamins and minerals. Supplements to food help to prevent or at least reduce the symptoms of such age-related diseases as arthritis. Some dog owners also give their pets antioxidants, which help cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Check more useful tips and hints, video lessons and training plans from dog experts on the App Store or Google Play. Walk tracking, family sharing, and reminder features included.

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