March 11, 2022

When Should a Puppy be Vaccinated?

The very first vaccination should be done at the age of 6-8 weeks.

It will protect your pet from viruses its body can’t fight, and help to form its own immunity instead of maternal antibodies that no longer protect the puppy.

This complex vaccination (polyvaccine) protects from the most common and dangerous viral infections:

  • Plague 
  • Parvoviral enteritis
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Adenovirus 
  • Leptospirosis 

After 3 weeks (21 days) of vaccination, you should revaccinate your dog. 

When a dog is 12 weeks old, the rabies vaccine is compulsory. Vaccination against rabies is not allowed until the dog reaches this age. Then, the vaccine is repeated once a year. 

Check the video lessons on how to train and grow healthy and well-behaved puppy on the App Store or Google Play

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