Transporting a dog in a car: how to do it right?
Driving in a car is stressful for a dog. Unfamiliar sounds and smells, pitching, and movement are out of everyday dog life. If you don't take your dog for a car ride since its puppyhood, but the car is used only for occasional trips to the vet, you should prepare your furry friend for such journeys in advance. How to do it? The preparation list in the end.
Preparing for the trip

- First of all, it is worth accustoming the dog to the car. (Watch a lesson)
- A day before the planned trip, it is necessary to exclude indigestible food (bones and pieces of meat) from the pet's diet to avoid heaviness in the stomach or vomiting during the trip.
- You should not feed the animal right before the trip because if the dog vomits, you will most likely not have the opportunity to stop and help it. Also, you won't be able to clean the cabin.
- It is better to give water to the dog a few hours before the trip so that there is no intense salivation.
- Walking the pet well before the trip to empty its intestines and bladder is necessary.
- To ensure transportation safety, purchase and take specially-designed accessories with you. It can be a cage, car seat, hammock, harness, and seat belt.
On the road

- It is better to go on a journey early in the morning or in the evening when it is not so hot.
- Driving should be calm and smooth, without sudden maneuvers and braking. This will help the pet to feel better during the trip.
- Removing fragrances from the machine is recommended, as animals are susceptible to smells.
- It is advisable to make 15-minute stops every 1-2 hours so that the dog has the opportunity to walk its feet and go to the toilet.
- If your dog is not trained to get out of the car properly, open the car door carefully, keeping the dog on a leash so that it does not jump out onto the roadway.
- Do not let your dog off the leash while walking in the parking lot. Due to the stress caused by the trip, the car, and the change of place, your pet may behave atypically: it may disobey and run away.
- Do not turn on the air conditioner to the maximum and avoid drafts - the animal may catch a cold.
- Try to park your car not in the sun but in the shade. This will help prevent overheating of the cabin and protect your pet from heatstroke.
- Do not leave your dog alone in the cabin, especially for a long time. The pet may start worrying, or it may become bored. All of this can lead to a damaged car.
- If you need to leave your dog alone in the car for a short time, do not muzzle it. To cool off, dogs need to breathe with their mouths open.
What should you bring for a trip: Checklist

- Cage, hammock, car seat
- Leash, harness, collar, seat belt
- Water, food, bowls
- Favorite toys and treats to relieve stress
- Veterinary passport
- Dog towel or rag
- Cleaning bags
- First aid kit (under the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can put sedatives and drugs for motion sickness)
Check more useful tips and hints, video lessons and training plans, from dog experts on the App Store or Google Play. Walk tracking, family sharing, and reminder features included.
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